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Our Firm

For those who may be curious,  'Aikapa (in modern usage) is a Hawaiian word that elegantly combines the concepts of friendship and wealth.

At Aikapa it symbolizes both the privilege and commitment of our firm to provide clients and our community with (fiduciary standard) financial advice that is product neutral and aligned with your goals.


Edi Alvarez, MS, CFP®, Principal of Aikapa

Edi Alvarez, CFP®
Founder and Principal

Principal Officer

Edi comes to financial advising from a business and science background. She holds a Certificate in Personal Financial Planning (PFP) from UC Berkeley. Her other academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors as well as a Masters of Science and Bachelor of Education degree.

She has earned the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation, a highly respected certification in the financial industry, and holds a NASD Series 65 license. Her considerable background and professional network in business and finance provides her with insight on how to best design financial plans that meet clients' current and future needs.

Learn more about the CFP® certification

Aikapa's (Client-based) Advisory Group

To ensure we remain true to our vision, while creating and maintaining services that are most valuable for our clients, we established the Aikapa Advisory Group, an informal advisory body comprised of Aikapa clients that volunteer their time and energy because they believe in our long-term vision.

The Group's mission is to provide guidance to our firm on the services we develop and the vendors we support.

Clients willingly and very generously share of their time, helping us develop, for example, our website, our use of tax-advantaged tools and retirement tools. Their insight and experience also helps us to identify well-qualified and suitable vendors.

We want to be sure Aikapa continues to provide the services most valued by our clients. The Aikapa Advisory Group represents just one more way Aikapa puts our clients financial interests first.

View our annual filing and professional background

On an annual basis, Aikapa files Form ADV with state security authorities. Form ADV contains important information about an investment adviser and its business operations. You can view our Form ADV through the Investment Advisor Public Disclosure (IAPD) website provided by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 

  1. Link to the IAPD website

  2. Select the "Firm" option, key in either the CRD# 144517 or Aikapa (for Aikapa - Edi Alvarez)

  3. click "Get Details" on our listing

  4. From the menu options available, Select "FORM ADV"

  5. click "View latest Form ADV filed"





Wealth Planning & Management

Offices in
San Francisco & Corte Madera


Edi Alvarez, CFP®


Certified Financial Planner™






© 2007-2025 Aikapa

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